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How do you set the temperature of the refrigerator bcd-575wym in the refrigerator?

The power line is unplugged and can be set, but when it is set, the temperature of the refrigerator jumps to 18 degrees, and the temperature of the freezer is changed to -21 degrees! And, as long as the automatic lock, press the unlock key can not unlock, what is the reason for this? There is water in the refrigerator! Thank you for your advice! Thank you!


In order to reach the normal temperature of a refrigerating chamber of refrigerator compressor will be 18 degrees, frequent start, frequent closures, this time not only can save electricity, it will cause excessive consumption of electric energy at the same time, the more serious damage of compressor.
The refrigerator temperature control button option are basically 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 files, the larger the number, then the refrigerator temperature is low, in general in the spring and fall only need to be adjusted to 3 when the temperature of the refrigerator, the refrigerator temperature in summer the file is adjusted to 1 or 2 stalls, so as to achieve better energy saving effect.
Every time, the keybell short Ming times, each set operations are effective and embodied in the LED display, each change set after 5 seconds to load keys no longer in force, the buzzer sounds 2 times and short run by way of setting the refrigerator began after adjustment.The key setting adjustment after the operation without change, all display and operation methods are not changed.And if no special instructions, any key operation at any time, the buzzer short Ming and LED screen display, at intervals of 3 seconds cycle display freezer, freezer room temperature, and light up the corresponding compartment box.The "smart", "frozen" two modes cannot exist at the same time, the LED screen display, when entering one mode will exit another mode, "smart", "frozen" two modes in priority setting mode.

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