My husband is an electrician and was wondering if it would be hard to do himself.
It is a little more involved than changing a tire, but not much. TRW part CC849 about $60 for both springs. Jack car up on frame. Place axle stand on frame. Remove Wheel. Remove lower shock mount bolt. Follow instructions in kit to remove clips, hose, air solenoid, air spring. Insert Coil Spring. Replace shock bolt, wheel, then go do the other side. About an hour or so. Instructions also show how to disconnect Air Susp light. If you don't cut or clip anything, you can go back to air suspension repairs later and have a decent ride until then.
It would probably be easier to fix the air suspension system, what's wrong with it anyway? To answer your question, service equipment, tools and experience will determine just how hard that job would be for your husband to perform. Suspension work on heavy cars is in my opinion some of the most dangerous work there is, kinetic energy stored in compressed springs can hurt you badly if handled incorrectly.
It is probabley impossable to convert over, but I just found on line the rear air-bags for 79.00 per side, also the whole system is controlled by a compressor, a solonoid, and a couple of valves as well as nylon lines that connect the system together, you even have a level sensor that turns your air compressor on to blow up your bags. who told you you have a leak in one or both of your rear air bags. If you did, the compressor under your hood would be constantly running. have the system checked first, you may not need to go through all that much work