How long does it take to make cloth by hand? and by machine?
Luckily this question was asked not long before yours, I dropped my recipe in that one :) But for sides, almost any kinda rice or a baked potato for a starch, and your fav green vegenjoy!
Salmon FilletsLightly salt filletPlace a knob of butter on a medium high heat, ribbed fry pan, and when it stops sizzling add fillet skin side downAs it cooks you will see it changing colour and when it is about 1/3 cooked, carefully turnCook until a further 1/3 is cooked and remove to a warmed plate and cover with foilAdd some more butter and some fresh herbs:- Fennel: for an aniseed tasteMintParsleyLet cook for a few minutes and remove from heatThe cast iron will keep it warmServe with mashed potatoes and green peas or beans.
It depends on the cloth and the methodsIndustrial mills can spin the yarn at a rate of about half a pound a minute, and I've seen commercial looms weave a yard of cloth in less than a minuteAs a handspinner, I can spin about an ounce of yarn in 15 minutes depending on the fiber, preparation, and intended outcome (but I'm pretty fast) and can weave about a yard in 20 minutes, not counting the time it takes to set up the loom.