how many types of pipe fittings are there
I'm sorry, but you don't appear to have a very positive outlook at all. From the sound of it, you might actually be one of the most negative, pessimistic, melodramatic people I've ever spoken to.
Isn't this awesome? You can say what you want, no holds barred. You should read some of the things people spew. And some fantastic poetic hearts as well.
I don't think it is. The section for Spewing venom, vitriol and hatred is Other Society and Culture.
Do you mean the space blanket originally used in space? Those are made of paper thin plastic coated in a thin film of aluminum.
An issue can rarely be resolved on the level on which it is occuring. Maybe we should have separate forums for the various categories. So, for example, Christians can discuss meaningful issues with other Christians, get their answers and grow spiritually - not be sidetracked by mindless people intent on creating noise or evil ones intent on deception. The administrators could then kick and ban anyone found interferring with another forum's responses.