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How much is my computer worth if i was to put it on OKorder?

Mainboard : Gigabyte PH67-UD3Chipset :Intel Sandy BridgeProcessor : Intel Core i5 2800MHz 2300 quadcore Video Card :NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450Hard Disk :SAMSUNG HD103SJ ATA Device (1000GB)DVD-Rom Drive : Toshiba-Samsung CDDVDW SH-S223L Lightscribe Physical Memory :corsair 4GB (2 x 2048 DDR3-SDRAM ) 1600MhzCase: Coolmaster 430 black elite , complete with 4 fans 2 120mm top.Was planning on selling the screen as its a bit worse for ware , i literally built this machine about a week ago , i was just curious how much it would sell for on ebay? Any ideas?


it's got a sandy bridge i5, so i think like 500-700 dollars? (if you put it on OKorder)

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