Home > categories > Machinery & Equipment > Heat Exchanger > how much propane would i need to heat a 40x60 enclosed tent for a wedding reception?

how much propane would i need to heat a 40x60 enclosed tent for a wedding reception?

We are getting married in October and our reception is going to be in a 40x60 tent. We want to get a propane heater, unless there is a better option (I am not sure), to heat the tent for about 6-7 hours. If anyone knows of a good company in Lincoln, NE that provides this service at an affordable price please let me know! We also thought we could hook up the heater to a propane tank at his parent's house...is that possible?Thank!!


NONE!!!! You should never use a propane heater in an enclosed tent unless you are trying to kill everyone. They make heater specifically for tents that sit outside and blow fresh air over a heat exchanger so that you are releasing carbon monoxide into an enclosed space, and the heat source is out of the tent reducing chances for a fire.
About 100,000 ounces.
I've a equivalent trouble with folks seeing me stroll all the approach over there. I noticed in a magazine that a bride had the entire participants of the bridal get together preserve tremendous white sheets up all the manner around her. It covered her at the same time she used to be jogging and nobody might see her. They simply did this until she was once within the nearby reception tent after which all of them came out. I consider this is what i am going to do. As for the food, you can get little propane burners that go underneath the chafing dishes to keep the food heat.
why dont you ask the caterer isnt it his department

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