I am buyin it from a friend who recently bought an aftermarket exhaust system for his car.
I would never buy a used exhaust system myself, but if you are looking to save some money it would be an alternative. If it's in good shape, I say about $75 tops.
Well I can think of some differences. I can only base my answer on the elderly care homes around my area. In them I haven't seen the following: 20' fencing with razor wire guards with guns, clubs, handcuffs, tazers or spray pat downs restricted movement during certain times of the day segregation according to gang activity lock downs and shake downs Now if you speak with some poor elderly they might dispute the body cavity searches but the difference here is in a elderly that is impacted there will be a phyician order. I must live in a charmed area because I've never wittnessed the nightmares that some probably have seen in elderly homes.