I am starting a split workout which is very new to me and I am not sure if I am over training. My workout is a split of one day of Chest, tris, shoulders and traps, the next day I do biceps, lats, forearms, abs, and back, and the third day I rest or do cardio. After my rest day I start over with my first workout again. On my first day I usually do flat bench press, flyes, dumbbell bench press, skull crushers, dumbbell tricep extensions, shrugs, dumbbell raises, incline push ups and dips. On the second day I usually do two types of curls, one armed rows, wrist curls, reverse curls, chin ups, pull ups, a lower back exercise, and different types of sit ups for around 10-15 mins. I am making large gains but I am just wondering if I could make larger gains by working out less. I am also taking glutamine, creatine and lots of protein in my diet which should reduce my recovery time. If anyone has any comments on if what I am doing is over training or any ideas to improve my workout please comment.
good news is i don't think your over training, well at least not now. on this program i'd expect the average person to be able to put in a good 6-8 weeks befor you'd need a rest of a week or two. However, if you don't mind, i would sugest one or two 'tweeks' to your program. Workout 1: you've got one or two exesizes doubled up here, for example the flat bench and dumbell bench are essentialy the same exesize. best to do only one of them in a workout, and then do the other the next time you do workout 1. The same applies to scull crushers and tricep extensions, except scull crushers are far and away better, just drop the extensions (IMO). You have very little shoulder work in this workout. you need to add a millitary press type lift, and trap work is better suited to you other workout. and you should order them with the biggest lifts first e.g. flat bench, millitary press, dips, scull crushers, push ups, raises, flys. Workout 2 you need to add a dead lift to this workout, its just too good a mass building exesize that your missing out on if you don't do it. put that first, then chins, rows, traps and curls and then wrist curls last. but the main issue with this workout is you have no leg work, you need a third day where you do heavey 20 rep squats, stiff leg dead lifts and calf raises. its a brutle workout and you'll want to miss it, BUT you must not. this work out will make your body release loads of testosterone (which is what steroids copy) so its like taking natural steroids. you're short changing yourself if you don't do this.