how to connect steel pipe with pvc pipe?
It sounds like you`re safe now. But you should never have had to put up with such abuse from a spirit anyway! He didn't sound like a nice one, and you should have got a medium or priest in to help you. Saying that, you`re okay now so don't worry. If you worry you attract bad energy. If you do feel nervous or scared in future, ask your angels to protect you and imagine that a golden light in emanating from your body which is protecting you. You can also get sage sticks (smudge sticks) which when burned, are said to protect the house from negative energy
Amps is the amount available sort of. Here is an over used but helpful analogy: think of it like a water hose you can have 2 hoses a fire hose, and a garden hose. if the water is comeing out at the same speed/force out of both hoses they have the same voltage 12units however because the fire hose is bigger it will have more volume 7 units, when the garden has only 4 units. As long as the water doesnt come out of the hose too fast(voltage high) you can still water delecate plants with a fire or garden hose. it just will get done faster with the fire hose(more water) As lond as your circuit board is designed to use in that range of power it will be fine odds are that it is. although it is possible to hurt if if it has too many amps but only 3 amp differnce it will make little differnce. if t was 10 or 20A difference id worry but not with 3