i already bought a LCD Monitor a few days agoBelow this is my LCD Monitor connectivity 1.HDMI port
i use hdmi. it makes the graphics alot better that video input and all that jazz. u've gotta buy an hdmi cord though. u can go to a fred's or dollar general and get one. they're only like $9 there. hope it helped!
I'm guessing you have the standard 360 video input cables what you'll have to do is buy either an adapter (not sure if there are any component-HDMI/DVI, but it might be worth looking around), or you could buy a new set of input cables, I know there are several different connectors available for them.
Oh!!!!!! This is one of those cases where I would have recommended VGA over DVI. Xbox 360 has a VGA cable made to connect easily to computer monitors, but your monitor apparently doesn't have VGA input. So, as the others have suggested, use HDMI. If your monitor has built-in speakers that can accept audio from HDMI, then you should be good to go. If not, try connecting speakers to the audio output. If neither of those work, you may have to connect the digital optical to a home theater receiver in order to get sound.