So I have this cheap $20 rug from walmart thats teal. I did away with it for a while but now that I want my room redone, I want a black rug to go in front of a futon. How would I go about dyeing this rug instead of buying a new one and leaving this one to collect dust? It has a plastic wired bottom to hold the rug together and to act slip resistant. Would dyeing it affect it?
Whether dyeing would work depends on what fibre it's made of. If it's wool or cotton, it would dye quite well with ordinary dyes, though it might present a few difficulties since dyes usually call for being heated, and a lot of rinsing after. If it's a synthetic fibre, which it very likely is, it might not dye at all because synthetics don't absorb dye very well, if at all. If they do, they usually require processes that would be very difficult to achieve with a rug, such as heating the dye bath with the item in it. All in all, it's probably not worth even trying. Find a cheap black rug to buy.