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how to find the speed of a data cable?

can any one tells me, wht is the procedure to find the speed of any data cable? And i would like to know the concept of a data flow on a cable in terms of Mhz, i means, how much data flow on a cable for how many Mhz?


type of cable?
There are bits/per second (as in 100 Mbits/sec on an ethernet cable). This is a digital signal - off and on. If you were able to hear it it would not sound like anything. When MHz is used in a signal you usually have a wave form. A 1 KHz sine wave is a common test tone. 20 KHz is the upper limit of most sound systems - though hearing falls off well before that. The higher frequencies like 100 MHz are used for radio and TV waves. It would be hard to give a practical idea of how much information can be sent through, say, a 250 MHz signal that is modulated (frequency modulated or amplitude modulated) to represent information: video, audio or data represented as audio (as the modems do). How high a frequency can a data cable transmit over any reasonable length (say 6 ft)? As you know, you can send 1 Gigabit/sec through the latest ethernet over unshielded twisted pair (copper). That is quite an achievement. There is a lot of physicsa and electronics involved. High frequency analog signals are usually sent over shielded coaxial cables. The construction of the cable and connectors has much to do with how the signal arrives.
It depends on the type of Connection and the Cable you use.Serial, USB-1, USB-2, Firewire, or any of the multitude of others. Each one offer different Speeds and throughput. Don

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