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how to make steel?

how to make steel?


You need to get iron heated up till its glowing and then cool it down rapidly in charcoal. The temperature of the rion and the time of cooling down as well as the type of charcoal will determine the quality of the steel you get
What type of Steel? Steel Wool, steel braces, or just plain old steel?
Production methods * Crucible technique - the original steel making technique, developed in India as wootz, used in the Middle East as Damascus steel. * Cementation process used to convert bars of wrought iron into blister steel. This was the main process used in England from the early 17th century. * The more recent version of the crucible technique was independently redeveloped in Sheffield by Benjamin Huntsman in c.1740, and Pavel Anosov in Russia in 1837. Huntsman's raw material was blister steel. * Bessemer process, the first large-scale steel production process for mild steel. * Puddling * The Siemens-Martin process, using an Open hearth furnace * Basic oxygen steelmaking * Electric arc furnace a form of secondary steelmaking from scrap, though the process can also use direct-reduced iron

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