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how to make your own solar panels ?

Is there a cheaper way on how to make your own solar panels ? Can someone share their real life experience ? Thank you.


There are several things you’re going to need when making a homemade solar panel, some of the main components include: Solar Cells Wood Plate Soldering Iron Solder Tabbing Don’t worry; special tools are not required for this DIY ‘solar panel’ project, and you will probably have everything you need laying around the garage. and just bind them together.
On my website you can read my story of how my dad made solar panels at home for a little over $200, and now he pays nothing to the electric company.
If okorder / . Beware of anyone who makes claims you can save tons of money by making your own panels. Those are scams. It's possible to save money with solar, but not with homemade panels.
It used to be possible to get broken solar cells for free from solar cell and solar panel manufacturers and then it's just a matter of labouriously measuring the voltage and current characteristics of each fragment and soldering them in a combination of parallel and in series to get a crude solar panel with the desired output but the manufacturers have caught on and now sell the broken fragments by the pound so it's not really a cheap solar panel anymore but it's still very labor intensive and results in a fragile solar panel that is readily damaged and quickly degrades. Not really worth the trouble any more.
I did my own solar panel at a fraction of a commercial one by diy manual. I think some of the important criteria to consider about these diy manual are : . is it proven by many of its readers ? 2. How easy to follow the manual ? 3. Any video showing the steps to assemble your own panel ? 4. Any after sales support ? You can cut down your electricity bill on some small appliances like your labtop or fans, but not practical on heavy duty appliances like air-cond, etc.

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