How copper sulphate is prodused in industries with copper and sulphuric acid? If any catalyst is used what is that and at what tempertatuure?
We'll if you want to get the most insane feeling of your life some it out of a bong. It's a lot smoother so you won't cough as much and the feeling is crazy compared to a joint or pipe. When you do it make sure you are with some friends, got some good munchies, got some netflix, and a comfortable spot and it's literally the best thing in the world. I earn you when you do it you will feel really weird like out of this world. You feel tall and when I was watching a movie you basically laugh at everything. Me and my friend always get the same feeling. When we are watching a movie we both thought for sure we have saw that movie before and we thought we new what was going to happen next but the next day I watched it again and it was totally different. When your high it feels so much more fun. If your not panicking ( trust me don't i did the first time and freaked out) it's the best thing in the world.
Copper sulfate can be made by the action of sulfuric acid on a variety of copper(II) compounds, for example copper(II) oxide. It may also be prepared by electrolyzing sulfuric acid, using copper electrodes.