The parking garage at my work has a steep decline that terminates at a control arm. After the rain, it gets EXTREMELY slick and oily. Unfortunately, on account of the momentum the slope generates, it‘s very difficult to only lightly apply the brakes because you‘ll crash right into the control arm. Any tips for safely slowing down a motorcycle on a slick slope?
You will have to invariably be within the right equipment to accelerate - you in no way know when the guy in a cage in the back of you is going to ignore that reality that there is a motorbike in entrance of him. Slip the clutch just a little more. While you change down a gear, you pull the grab in, just a bit blip on the throttle and ease the snatch out by means of the friction zone. It must suppose tender to a passenger.
LOL do you work in my building? My building is like that as well and I hated it. eventually I just found another nearby lot for parking lot to park in because i wasnt too comfortable in mine. If you dont have that option then the two Dans above me pretty much said it. I just ride my brakes and coast as slow as I can until I reach the bottom. Avoid the middle of the driveway as mentioned, ride where the car tires usually will make contact with the ground. Some one had suggested staying in gear but that really wont matter because youll need to ride slower than idle speed anyways and I rather just be in neutral so I have no chance of having a panic moment and dropping the clutch and stalling on the slope. From personal experience I really have no tips other than riding as slow as you can and staying off the middle of the driveway. Its just really one of those non bike friendly situations that you need to just avoid or deal with it. Heres a funny story I dont mind sharing, I left work late one day after the gate at the bottom of the slope shut, and because I was avoiding the oil spots on the drivway I missed the god damn trigger to open the gate and beleive it or not i got stuck at the bottom of the driveway which was still way to steep for me to just push myself up to trigger the sensor lol. Thankfully I had the number to the security guard and had him come open the gate so I could leave. So keep that in mind as youre riding down the driveway.
That's a tough one and there are no good solutions. First thing would be to slow as much as you can by the top of the slope. When you start down the slope, stay all the way to one side or the other if you can, outside where the car tires go. If that's not safe, stay out of the middle where the oil drips are - stay where the car tires ride. Use the rear brake primarily. You can control a rear wheel skid for a long time. Apply the front brake and modulate as necessary to keep the front from skidding. Learn to keep you feet on the pegs until you are about to stop. You have the best control of the bike with your feet ON the pegs. That's about the best you can do.