My friends are stupid and always starting fires by poreing gasoline on a little flame to make it bigger, i was just wondering ( since one day, i might need to save one of their lives) how could you put out a person on fire becuase he had gasoline on him and the fire caught on that? i was not sure if water would work, becuase i remember hearing from someone that fire can burn on water if there is gas on it. so should u throw dirt or hit them with some kinda object to make it stop burning? this is just a for the furture kinda question. anyone got any ideas?
Usually, the baqg glove version uses a different density foam than a training glove. It also may have a thicker layer of foam. The training glove can be used for both sparring and bag workoutsw, but the bag glove is not designed for sparring, just bag work.
Well if your like the fig tree that offered Jesus no fruit your going to burn. The idea that if your not on His side your on the other side, there is no middle ground. You can always tell a tree by it's fruit a good tree produces good fruit while a rotten tree produces rotten fruit. Just like people those who try to live good moral lives produce good fruit while those who live immoral lives produce rotten fruit. The believers are those who obey the Law of God (His Gospel), the unbelievers are those who disobey the Law of God (reject His Gospel). There is a difference between believing in God and believing in the existence of God. I believe in God.