Hi, this is my second time posting a question in regards to this situation. For those who missed the first part, my husband was locking his cell phone on a daily basis. I know previously I found a girls phone number and I made sure she knew he was married. She said she didn't even want to talk to him because he lied to her about a few things. Anyways, I started to lock my cell phone too see if he would like it. Of course he didn't so we made an agreement to not lock our phones. He hadn't been locking his phone and just recently it started up again. Do you think he is hiding something or just wants his privacy? I asked him why again and he said because I would go through his phone and start calling his contact list. I told him that I wouldn't, but I'd like to know who he is talking to. So what you think??
Steal your car. That usually turns the alarm off. if you are the car owner, rip the tweeter out and let it blink as much as it wants. Seriously I had a 1989 Nissan 240SX that i found out how to trigger its alarm' it blinked the hazards 25 times and wouldnt let the car start. If you disconnected the battery before you turned the key and then put the battery back on with the key IN the ignition but not TURNING it, it would do this.
For those who love to speed, burn rubber, and do donuts. I have no choice speed bumps are in that we need them, but don't love them.
Yes twice. Once fired from a job as Sound-engineer at a theater they later discovered the manager was stoned and the complaint I'd made against him was just they BEGGED me to come back with a 25% raise (good money in 1983) !! 2nd time I wasn't fired I was being blackballed by other teachers. It was a liberal district, and they harassed me because I was a Naval Reserve Officer and had served in Kuwait and Iraq. I recorded some of the comments made by teachers, staff, and administration my lawyer played the tape for the district's lawyer and they settled out of court rather than face the embarassment and national news if we'd filed suit. That netted me $250,000
I never got fired; I turned in my resignation letter twice but it wasn't accepted and so I got exactly what I wanted;)