I am preforming a reaserch study on specific heat conductivity of thermal pastes and i need to know how hot a typical Athlon FX-60 processor runs at. Any links or actual temperatures would help. Again, this is a reasearch study so no arbitrary or made-up numbers please.
Specific heat, heat capacity and thermal conductivity are three different entities. Specific heat is the amount of heat say calories required to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance by one degree celcius..Its heat capacity is the heat contained in it. Body's temperature and its mass comes in picture. All these have nothing to do with thermal conductivity which is a measure of how fast heat energy can pass or travel thru the body.
The comparisons have already been done. It was found that there is, in fact, very little difference between a generic paste, Arctic Silver 5, and (the name escapes me) a liquid metal that comes in a syringe. The difference does exist, but it's only something like 4C from the cheap stuff to the expensive. If you are doing a study what would you need a typical temp for? They vary from chip to chip and cooler to cooler and ambient room temp, so there really isn't a typical temp. Maybe just get the chip, use a specific cooler, then do your comparison with different pastes and under load/no load conditions measure your own temps.