doesnt it depend on how fast or smooth you want your wheels to turn. i believe the lower the number the better the bearing. i think my son used 2.
First, you need to know which size of bearings you have. Most skates use 608 bearings which are about 7/8 outer diameter. Many hockey skates come with 688 bearings which are 5/8 outer diameter. You can use the other size, as long as you replace the wheels and bearing spacers at the same time. The other thing you need to know is which axle size you have. 6mm axles are about 1/4 and 8mm axles are about 3/8. For 6mm axles, you push the thin edge of the spacer so that it pushes the far bearing out the other side of the wheel. For 8mm axles, you have to pull the near bearing our towards you. The easy way is to use a bearing tool or 1/4 socket handle to roll the bearing out. Much easier to show than describe. Any quality bearing will be great.