Why does towel of face wash stick sticky?
Washing and maintenance of towels'why can harden the towelThe hair becomes rigid after using a period of time because the free calcium and magnesium ions combine with soap to produce calcium and magnesium soaps attached to the towelHow to make soft towel.After the towel hardens, may boil in the alkali water, after 10 minutes washes, generally 1.5 kilograms water adds 30 grams, the soda ash after washing may make it become soft* how to make smooth towel become relaxedTowel smooth very hate, brine can be washed, and then rinse with water, can make it fresh.What kind of towel. The most easy to breed bacteriaUsed towels are more bacteria, and bacteria in a certain humidity and a certain temperature can breed, and the most suitable bacteria breeding natural condition is high temperature and high humidity.* what circumstances the most easily damaged towelsThe natural condition of the towel itself, which is most susceptible to damage, is high humidity. Therefore, towels are best kept dry often.How about washing towel.The best cycle of towel washing and sterilization is one week. After washing, rinse the towel with clean water and screw dry. Dry in the air.* best myself with my own towelMost of the towels are woven from cotton yarn. Cotton fibers are easy to infect and breed germs in moist conditions, so it's better to use towels when you use towels.Pure cotton products strong alkali resistance, can use a variety of soap and lotion wash. Water temperature should be controlled below 35 degrees, should not be soaked in detergent for a long time, in order to prevent fading, ironing when the temperature is below 120 degrees, in order to maintain bright colors, it is best to dry clothes in the shade or anti drying.
The towel is used for a long time, will emit a smell and sticky. Usually people are used to washing with soap, but the more they wash, the more sticky they are. At this time, brine can be rubbed (a towel can put a teaspoon of fine salt), then blanched with warm water then scrub, and finally washed with water. This towel does not smell, not sticky.
Very simple: wipe the face towel for a long time to restore to soft appearance, the best way is to use water and washing powder, boil with the pot for thirty minutes.