Home > categories > Consumer Electronics > Card Readers > i have a acer aspire 5310 and i tried to use the 5 in 1 memory card reader but the memory stick got stuck ??

i have a acer aspire 5310 and i tried to use the 5 in 1 memory card reader but the memory stick got stuck ??

i entered the sony memory stick duo pro into my 5 in 1 memory card read into my acer aspire 5310 the memory stick is compatible with the card reader but when i put it in i cant get it back out i cant even find where to read it and ive look in the manuals all the books that cam with it and it only says what memory sticks are compatible ive tried pushin it so it pops out but it doesnt work does any one know how to get them out???


I understand you used a SONY MEMORY STICK, sounds like you pushed it in there upside down. Make sure your computer is turned off and pull it out. You might have damaged the reader anyway. When using memory cards of any sort, if you must push it to get it into the reader it is either upside down or the you are putting it into the wrong slot.
Try grabbing the stick firmly and gently pull it out. If that fails, you have obviously put the stick in backwards. Open the side of your computer up. Ground yourself out so you don't ruin anything by placing your hand on the Power Supply or the side of your case for 30 seconds. Now, reach towards your 5-in-1 memory card reader and pull the card out from the other side. If it is an internal reader, you will have to take the card reading piece out all together and take it apart with a screwdriver, but that shouldn't be too hard. It just slides right out from your computer after you unhook the cords which connect to the Motherboard and PSU. Goodluck.

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