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i have a question about skateboarding bearings?

ok so im getting 2 skateboards and they both come with abec 3 bearings do u guys think it is worth it?well are abec threes better or worst?


Abec 3 is no good, just get bones redz. They skate good and theyre like 15 dollars
Good bearings don't have an ABEC rating, just get Bones Reds or if you have money get Bones Swiss. They go hella fast and are way better than most bearings. If you have to get an ABEC bearing get 7s
sorry to say but that's the absolute worst set of bearings usually 5 is considered mediocre and 7 is perfect but in the end it only matters if you skate fast or not if you ever wanted to go with faster better bearings go with Independent bearing or the best of bearings~ Bones Swiss!
just by bones reds and put them in after you get the boards there only $15
Yeah guy. for sure which will be nice. i have executed that earlier at the same time as i replaced into youthful because I had no longer some thing else lol. Yeah, in simple terms positioned it on and roll your wheels and positioned more suitable on. attempt this for some days in a row and your bearings will be spinning and spinning and spinning!

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