and lady infront of me slammed on brakes to avoid coppers. and all this happened within seconds into our green light.
Copper is poison to fish.
And you rear-ended her. No matter what else was going on, this accident was still your fault. Even if she had slammed her brakes on because she thought a camel was running across the road in front of her, even if she did it for no reason at all, you still rear-ended her. That makes it your fault, end of debate.
It is 100% your fault. And if there was not even time to count 1001, 1002, then you were tailgating. Driving when you are that close is tailgating. If you are behind someone else, then you are not allowed to begin accelerating as soon as the the light turns green. You must wait at least 2 seconds after she starts moving before you do, so that there will be enough space between your cars. If you start less than 2 seconds after her, then you are tailgating, and it is your fault.
As you hit her its legally your fault. You are required to stay a safe distance behind other vehicles to allow you to stop in situations like that. Sorry but your insurance company will treat this as your fault what she did was correct. Emergency vehicles always have the right of way and if need be a driver has to stop as quickly as necessary.