what if every gun had a chip inside similar to what cell phones have that send your coordination signals to the satelite everytime the gun is fired. and once the signal is sent the satellite zoom in on the person and captures a few pictures (if your outside) but captures the persons coordinations if inside doors. or a body heat detector inside the gun that if the gun is pointed towards a figure with body heat it will not fire. what do you guys think?
You can find other brands and multi-packs that will work too. They are rated to work 10 years in a wired smoke detector. You should still test your detectors twice a year. Also, smoke detectors need to be replaced every 7-10 year depending on the model. Some will have a special chirp when they need to be replaced. I would recommend getting the same brand that will work with your existing system. That way you can just plug the new detector into the existing interconnect.
There's several on the market, Snow seal ,EPDM, and many others, basically just a paintable rubber thats applyed with a roller, works well if you follow instructions.