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I'm afraid of crane flies?

I'm not afraid of snakes, mice, spiders, or any insect, for that matter. Except crane flies. I'm not even afraid of mosquitoes! However, I've been afraid of crane flies since I was six. I live in Louisiana and The crane flies came today, exactly on the same day they came last year. I don't care about them outside but I freak out when they're inside- especially in my bedroom, the bathroom, and the living room. What can I do to a) protect my house from them and b) not be afraid of them? I'm 14 by the way.


I'm glad i'm not the only one scared of crane flies! They're huge and when you crush them eggs or poop come out. ;A;
Your fear is a bit of a mental conditioning, like brainwashing yourself into fearing them. Sure, they can be a bit pesty, especially buzzing around your face, but they are totally harmless. They are much like butterflies at night. Instead of practicing being afraid of them, try catching them. As a kid I would play with them. We called them mosquito hawks because they look like giant mosquitoes. (but they don't bite and don't eat mosquitoes) I used to sit on the porch and watch the sun set. I had a beautiful orb weaver that would come out from the porch light and make one of those fancy webs.(I loved watching that). then the crane flies show up. when a persistent one would buzz my face, I would catch it and toss it into the spiders web. Just try catching one, and maybe look at it, play with it for a while, and/or toss it outside. learn how to control your fear, rather than let it control you.

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