*****I FOUND THE NEATEST LITTLE SHOP,NEAR STRATFORD’S, AT 16TH AND AVONExcuse me, ma’am, can you help me? Eye of newt, and toe of frog,Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,”Do I get the ingredients separately, orwill I need the whole kit?“Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting,Lizard's leg, and howlet's wing,“The snake’s tongue, is that dried or fresh?“For a charm of powerful trouble,Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.Thanks!What a fun little shop you have here.I’ll tell my friends about it, “Mack Beth’s”*****
Now dat be sum tung twistin yumbo gumbo der
Wooo glad I didn't read this late at night, it would have given me the Willey's, Loved the way you penned your poem, just great! Cheers!
DUDL! Uncle Billy will be tearing his hair out somewhere! I don't think you will get past the Airport quarantine service with that little lot TD! Very funny!
Wizards and Witches beware now there is cause for care poems like these are short and sweet and if they were food I'd gladly eat keep up the work, but don't be a dill as sure as my name is Will!
Hands off! Wizard of those were all my ingredients.