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I need help with my Homework. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!?

i have this home learning assignment where i have to do an expository, but i can only think of one reason. I'll show u the topic and please give me two more that aren't mine! or at least one more.TOPIC why should school zones need speed bumps?pLeAsE hElP1st Reason Because it would be safer for the kids and the driver.


a sign that a fleet of assassin zebras are coming for you. your psychic powers must have given you a warning
You don't mention whether this is a deep or shallow well pump you're talking about, but I think the premise is the same, as long as it's not a submersible. From my experience working on and replacing pumps, it sounds to me like you have a partially plugged jet in the pump. I've seen them run on forever and not pump enough pressure to get the pressure switch to shut off at 40 lbs. when the jet is plugged. Or there's a possibility that the well is drying up or the point is partially or mostly plugged. If you've been doing the replacement of the mentioned parts, then maybe it's time to call in a well professional and have them check it out. Most well drillers are also pump repairmen.
should be above door in other room next to kitchen put a fire extinguisher in the kitchen and baking soda in the fridge for grease fires ..you can call you building inspectors in you local community and ask where other smoke alarms should be but one above yuor bedroom door and just outside of the bedroom door hall way also i do no that .but get the smoke alarm out of the kitchen heat usually sets it off before smoke
Smoke detectors should not be installed within 20' of the kitchen or a bathroom unless they are photo electronic type. Ionization smoke detectors are too sensitive. Relocated the detector
the shrill of a smoke alarm is very annoying esp. when cooking or baking.Just open the door as soon as u smell the smoke or the alarm alerts you. also use a broom fan the air just below the alarm and it will stop beeping.

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