ive always loved fire, when i was a little kid i almost burnt my house down (acednt) i just love the way it looks and the way it feels its so beautiful words cannot describe how i feel about it..well my mom knows i have been seting things on fire books,tapes,pillows,blankets,my bed, myself , pretty much anything that will burn with enough lighter fluid so basicaly anything..she took my lighters away but it's pretty easy to get more and i cant stop thinking about fireis there anyway to stop this? i cant stop thinking about it is there a way to or am i screwed?
Lock that door! People are too lazy to try harder than that most times and a thief will assume you have an alarm if you're smart enough to lock the doors.
Two strikes and your out with drug violations of trainers. The sport has to be legit in the eyes of casual fans and it remains - as seen with Big Brown - very controversial due to a number of high-profile trainers who continue to operate after serving these ridiculously minor penalties in most states for major drug violations.