Home > categories > Minerals & Metallurgy > Iron Ore > if evolution is true, why dont usb drives evolve from a piece of iron ore?

if evolution is true, why dont usb drives evolve from a piece of iron ore?

please explain it like I am a Christian


Because ore can't have little ore babies which are slightly different in every generation. Even if it did there'd be no guarantee that a USB-drive would emerge.
Ashnod.if you can't evolve without offspring then where did the first life form come from?
pure cocoa powder and oatmeal are a great source of iron. Also beans and nuts are good sources. It may also be that you lack healthy fats in your diet, try to add them. It could help you. Coconut oil gives you a lot of energy and should also help removing the bags under your eyes.
If it is confirmed by your doctor that you are anemic, make sure that you are getting enough vitamin C in your diet as it helps with the absorption of iron. I assume as a vegetarian you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin C. It is the same as vitamin D helps absorb calcium.
Because USB drives don't have a way to make babies. You can't evolve if you don't have offspring. For that matter, USB drives don't have DNA. Evolution requires some kind of hereditary material -- some way of passing on traits to your offspring. No DNA and no babies no evolving. Silence: Abiogenesis is a separate discipline of biology; evolution only concerns itself with changes in existing populations of organisms. The definition of evolution, at its most basic level, is a change in allele frequencies within a population over time. The first life forms were simple, single-celled organisms that reproduced by fission.

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