I have a 1997 ford thunderbird and the power door locks only one-forth work. The button on the drivers side will only unlock both doors, not lock them. The passenger side button will not lock or unlock. However driving in the dark, the passenger side button lights up, but the drivers side button don't. I know both switches have some power to them, because on lights up and the other half works. So what could the problem be? Ive tried buying new buttons and it still does the same thing.
Fire hydrants, trees, sign-posts, and other permanent objects along the sidewalk get peed on all the time. As do fences, cars. bushes and garbage cans. It hap[pens all the time from male dogs who will try to intimidate rival male dogs in the area by spreading their scent all over the place.
this quest: could you tell us what you mean with that quest, I can't think of any that needs the stronghold of player safety O.O .. Anyhow, I don't know what exactly you mean.. But go into the jail, then click the poster from the open room, and you will be inside the stronghold. Once you did that, walk around till you reach the cockroaches (the biggest- I think they're like level 80 cockroaches?!). Once you did, go upstairs, go straight forward and there's that room, go in, pull the lever. To go back out of the stronghold click the rope that's in that very same room. If you want to go to the chest then go out of the room, back down the stairs, and in the room your in then there's going to be an iron door, go through it (after pulling the lever it should be open) then you just walk forward, you'll find the chest if you want it. But pulling the lever will make you able to use the shortcut so you don't need to go into the jail, and walk all that way, etc.. The shortcut is outside of the stronghold next to the jail. And the jail is between edgeville and the barbarian village. Anyhow, I've got all of this out of my memory, so I perhaps didn't describe something that good. But after all simply pull that lever. But if it STILL won't work no matter what didn't work- Go to: runescape login support submit a bug report put this bug. It should be removed.. If you want to post this question on a runescape related site go to: runescape login forums account help (maybe not really acc help, sozz forgot what would be good for you here) make a new thread and post your question. good luck. Need anything?