Hi guys. Please tell me the answer
A card reader had its hey day in the 1970's. Essentially, it reads in a deck of cards which were punched with square holes across about 132 columns. The pattern of vertical holes signified the character. So essentually a card could have 132 characters on. Programmers (in the olden days) would write out sheets of cards which would then be typed up by a punch card operator. The punch card operator would then deliver the 'deck' back to the programmer. The deck could be 12cm deep - sometimes much much more. The Programmer would then submit the deck of cards to the computer room where the Computer Operators would take the deck of cards and feed them through a card reader which would read about 5 cards a second. The information held on the cards would be loaded into memory and could then be executed by the processor. Ultimately, these decks could be saved on disk as true programs. Any Programmer who upset a Computer Operator could expect his deck of cards to be accidentally dropped on the floor. It took ages to sort them back into the correct sequence!!!
The card reader does just that - READS the data. The storage device is the card that you place into the reader.
A card reader is an data storage equipment. Input devices are the keyboard, mouse and any other hardware used to convert the user's actions to data accepted by the computer. The card reader just reads data from a media and transfers them to the computer.
A card reader is NOT a input device. Input device: keyboard, mouse, joystick, mic A card reader WITHOUT a memory card is NOT an electronic data storage equipment but in computer stores could be classified as storage equipment. Make sense to sell a card reader in the same store section/shelf where you have flash memory card. A card reader is just a device which is able to read a memory card and to transfer data files from the memory card to your computer. Note: being a card reder is able to READ ONLY so you NOT gonna be able write data files on that memory card.
You kinda answered the question. A card reader reads data from the electornic data storage equipment.