For example, i'm not totally sure i'm comfortable with some 110 ib dainty like lady trying to pull my 180 pound, broad shouldered frame out of a burning buildings during a fire.
it doesnt matter what you wear, it's how you drive.. if people are in suit and you are in jacket and jeans, but but you blow them away they wont look at that jacket and jeans anymore good luck my boy
rwa000 is correct. But let me expand on that. There are attorneys who handle Workers Comp cases. By most states laws they are limited in the amount of money that they can charge a client in a workers comp case. These attorneys will file the WC complaint against the right party and represent your bf through all the hearings. The majority of WC attorneys will also handle or know who can handle any other cases that come out of this incident.
Resin has very little strength and its only purpose is as a bonder. The strength is in the fiberglass. Fiberglass cloth is stronger than the mat. The cloth is directional glass strands, the mat is random direction strands. Not knowing what weight glass cloth you are working with and what part of the boat you are applying it to makes it impossible to give professional instructions. Cloth can be laid over a previous layer provided. 1: The prior layer is still wet. 2: The prior layer has been sanded if it was dry Resin is only applied heavy enough to wet out the fiberglass. If you wish for a smooth surface of course apply enough resin to achieve a smooth surface. Sanding is required if you plan on painting the glass. Small areas a paint brush for applying resin works but for larger surfaces a paint roller is needed. In either case, work the resin down into the glass and work the air out. They make rollers for that purpose. They look like a miniature farmers disk. Acetone is your cleanup solvent. Nothing else will touch resin and clean it off your tools. Everything you are working with is highly flammable. Use caution. Use plenty of ventilation. The fumes can ruin your lungs or worse, kill you.