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Is it ghosts or an electrical problem?

I was in a room upstairs a few years ago (the one I'm in now) when i was about nine. I was hooking up N-64 or something and the wires started shaking. It wasn't a gentle shake though, it was a very violent shake. It seemed like there must have been someone back there shaking them, but of course there wasn't. Since then, I've been afraid of this room, especially at night when I have to turn the lights and computer off before I go to bed. I constantly feel like there's someone watching me. Does anyone have a reason why those wires were shaking that day? Do you think it could have been some type of paranormal activity, or just an electrical problem?


Spirits can be attracted to, or trapped by electrical wiring; my partner helped a friend who was having problems with a ghost in his house, and the problem centred around a bunch of wires and junction boxes under a staircase. he had an electrician come in and sort out the electrical problem, and the ghost problem was solved as well. In William Monroe's books on astral projection, you are warned NOT to approach power towers or other high-voltage sources in your astral body, because one's astral body may be 'trapped by the electromagnetic field. It is theoretically possible that entities may also be 'trapped in such a field caused by faulty wiring, or else they might draw on it as a source of energy. It is certainly NOT impossible that you have a ghost' in your room; but if the only evidence you have had thus far of its presence is a few shaking wires, then it's probably nothing you need worry about.
If technical progress surround our daily life from one's program, a power failure occurs most often without any warning. As long as a good time there, this kind of problem always occurs at the worst. This is why SOS Habitat operates 7/7 and 24 H/24 in Paris and Ile-de-France. This availability at all times combined with the professionalism of its technicians can troubleshoot electrical problems in a minimum time. Faulty wiring is a potential source of danger. Electrocution, fire are among the major risks far from being properly assessed by the customer. If help is the job of SOS Habitat, prevent is also part of his duties as a professional.
Electricity doesn't , or shouldn't be making wires move on their own in a room-I would say that it was probably a loved one on the Other Side (a relative in your family tree, or even a dog or cat) trying to get your attention.
you may have experienced a seizure.
Could it have been a power surge?

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