Can a corner back play the receiver (without contact) and shield the receiver's arms without looking for the ball? If the ball hits the defender in the back because he shielded the receiver, is that illegal?(The player is not playing the ball though)(a) Contact by a defender who is not playing the ball and such contact restricts the receiver’s opportunity to make the catch.Source: NFL Rules Digest: Pass Interference; Does that also mean contact with the ball? Apparently, I've been told that it is a penalty if it hits the defenders back without him playing the ball and that it has been called in a NFL playoff game?Can anyone confirm this? Source?
What is it going to do if the person smokes over the allotted time?
Without a majority on the shares, they can't do anything, if your shares their shares then you are safe.
Nothing is so important about myspace that you can't just wait until you get home to use it. Get used to not being able to get on the internet on a whim; work lasts longer than school and with less leniency for stupidity. It's spelled REALLY, and PLEASE. Clearly you need to pay more attention in school