I love bed time when it is Winter.In that time of the year, I have two blankets in bed, under which I curl up, and it feels so good.I usually think of good things before I sleep, and it's not too long until my eyelids start to become heavier.However, things are different in Summer.I often feel that even the bedcover is too much, and it definitely takes me much longer to fall asleep (even if I watch television or think about good things).Is there any connection between the time you get to fall asleep and the year's season?
Thank you so much! That would explain everythingBut, is that why I have been peeing frequently? :o
DefinitelyIn fact, it's recommended for insomniacs to have the room a bit cooler at bedtime (and anyone can be an insomniac in the heat!)I have my bed under an open window w/the ceiling fan going, and it helpsI'm like you, though, I love it when it's cold and I can sleep w/lots of blankets! :)