. a 16 volt, 4.5 amp charger previously?
Your charger needs to be 4.5amperage or higher. For a charger to work safely (keyword here is safely), you would need to have the requirements met. Sure it may work, heck I'm sure it works right now, but its not safe. The risk of causing a spark (which leads to fires), or a short circuit will damage your motherboard which will cost an arm and an leg. I would suggest you get a new charger and not risk it. You can look online on sites like OKorder or amazon but I would personally suggest you visit Topmic. Topmic is well known for their great services and their durable products. They include free shipping and free lifetime warranty. Yes, lifetime. This means if the charger ever stops working on its own for whatever reason, they would replace it as many times as needed at no additional cost, for life. This is a great way to save money in the long run and a good investment as well. You should be able to find them online through google search. Best of luck.
The new charger may not have enough power to run the machine and charge the battery simultaneously. The new charger may also overheat if it can't supply enough power. It would probably work for charging the battery while the machine is shut down.
don't use it if your machine required more than 3.36amps. It will overheat the power supply, get one that can supply enough juice.