Hello,The guy I was working with at home depot to rent a powered auger said that even with the smaller 2 inch tip the machine cannot and should not be used on a 2 inch clean out. In our home, we have the regular larger clean outs (this was cleaned 1 month ago but sewer and toilets are clogged again) as well as smaller 2 inch cleanouts on the exterior of the home. As I paid a professional last time and the problem remained I went ahead and used the machine with the 2 inch clean out with a friend watching the larger clean out to the main sewer. While I did successfully clear the line (and pulled up some real nasty stuff) my friend noticied what he believes to be a small piece of pvc pipe float by in the main cleanout. Any idea if something broke or if perhaps when the home was built a piece of pipe was left in the sewer? Is it safe to use these smaller 2 inch cleanouts?Thanks!
I know that a wet washcloth on a stick will set off some motion detectors, presumably because the water content emulates flesh. A wet rag over the sensor in question will most likely occlude any vision that is has.
Yes. Always wear safety glasses. My rule is that if I wonder, I put them on because God didn't give me any spares.