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IS it true they make a person get tested for HIV in prison?

Is it also true that when they test in prison they use dirty gloves and the people that work in the prison give the inmates aids because they dont care to take precaussion?


It's kind of interesting to see so many different and some what uneducated answers. First of all you are not going to have lead pipes in your home! The only part that can possibly be lead is your service. (that's were it comes out of the floor in the basement). I agree with the apprentice that suggested the pex tubing. This will be the cheapest way to complete the job. Copper is at an all time high right now. I would check with at least three different plumbers. Get a quote from each of them and ask for references. A re-pipe for a 1 1/2 bath home should cost approximately 1,200.00 Max. Any more than that and you might be paying too much. If you have any more questions or need a more detailed quote, let me know.
It you'll have to contact some people.
what the heck are you talking about dude? Doc

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