is the 1st chair the best?
Who cares what chair you are. You made the orchestra, something that a couple of million students never made. Plus, you obviously have musical talent or you would not be in the orchestra. Most of us couldn't carry a tune unless it was in a backpack or even understand what a clef note was. Enjoy your time in orchestra!
1st chair is the head of the section. I'm assuming you are in a violin section, because usually there aren't 7 or more of anything else. Don't worry about it. Music is fun wherever you are in the orchestra, and there is a lot less pressure on someone a few stands back from the front. All of this scrapping over who is in front of whom just makes everyone miserable.
1st chair is best, so 7th is kind of bad. unless, of course, your orchestra has like, 98349058 people playing the same instrument as you.