There just little pieces of cement no bigger then a nickel and it made the glass look all foggy and nasty and I was wondering if there like a chemical compound or something I can use to break it down. If there is, is there anyway you can make it at home using household products? Please and Thank You
Pure muratic Acid will break down cement. However it will burn your hands and also the fumes can burn your eyes. Dump the acid on the glass (it will not hurt glass) and soak the cement. It will foam and make take a few times. The longer the better. The acid will eat away the cement. Use a piece of wood to scrape the glass and it will pop off. Remember to rubber gloves and eyeware. If you get some on your skin. just hose it off. Water will dilute the acid. Rinse the glass when done..For fun, put a penny in a glass and put the acid in it. After about a half hour or so, when it stops bubbling, empty the glass and let the penny dry out. Only the copper will be left as the the acid eats everything else.. Good Luck
Back in the day we used Muratic Acid to clean brick work. It is acid and you must not breath the fumes and use rubber gloves. I don't know of anything, household that is, else. You might try calling a large building supply house or a concrete company.
You can use muriatic acid to break down the cement on the glass block. Keep in mind that it is acid and you might have to dilute to not harm anything including the glass, but it should break it down enough to remove it. We have used it to break up mortar off of tools and such by submersion.
It reads as if this question has been sufficiently answered but I did find this additional info on the web: Q. What chemicals are used to remove plaster, concrete and mortar from glass? A. Products with phosphoric acid are commonly used. The acid dissolves the cement in the debris and makes it much easier to remove. Beware of any side effects on surrounding stucco and IG seals. Metal scrapers and razor blades have been the standard for construction window cleaning and remain the proven method to safely remove construction debris from glass without scratching. High quality window brushes are used for their ability to spread adequate water without scratching the glass. They help prevent sand from getting trapped between the brush and the glass. Strip washers are also commonly used, but hold less water and carry a higher risk of trapping construction debris, which can scratch glass more easily. Steel wool is sometimes used to remove construction debris from glass, but carries a higher risk of scratching glass. If construction debris gets trapped between the steel wool and glass, scratching could result. Also, if steel wool is to be used, use only new steel wool. If rust is present in old steel wool, scratched glass will result.