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Is there any place in the U.S. that has not been taken over by speed humps?

Is there any place in the U.S. that has not been taken over by speed humps?


First of all you can look up your make and model of smoke detector (which you didn't tell us) online and the manufacturer will probably have a chart explaining what thus-and-such pattern of blinks and beeps means. Chances are good that since your detectors have new batteries, they're telling you something else has gone wrong. Wired detectors give signals for three things: smoke detection (you won't mistake that for anything else), low battery voltage, and absence of line voltage. There are variations on these themes, look at the manufacturer's chart and figure out which flavor of what is what you've got. Since you've replaced the batteries, test the line that supplies power to your detectors. Check the breaker. Simply resetting the breaker isn't the answer, that's just flipping a switch. Get a meter and check the line itself.
Of course they can trace you with your old plate number, since your car's VIN number has not changed. It is always illegal to park in front of a hydrant, unless you live in some strange neighborhood with their own odd laws. Pay the ticket.

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