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keeping my cat safe at night?

hi i was wondering what the best way to keep my cat safe when he stays out late at night hes mostley black so obviousley when its dark outside its going to be really hard for a car or passer bye to see him iv tried putting one of those saftey flashers on his colar the metal ones shaped in a barrel with the LEDs on the bottom but somewhere on his travels he manages to loose the barrel bit with the LEDs in it any ideas on anything else i cud use to keep him visible on these increasingley dark nights


How much dust or dirt has built up inside the units? If they have become dirty, they will randomly go off also. Get a bottle of canned air like you would use to clean off a computer and use that to blow the smoke detectors clean inside. If they still go off, make sure you are using a good quality battery. Some smoke alarms do not like the generic, cheap batteries.
To find out if there are faults related to your complaint then the car has to be connected to either a BMW GT1 or Isis diagnostic machine (assuming that your car has a factory installed anti-theft/alarm system). But usually it is the front hood position switch that causes undue alarms. If you want to replace it without a proper diagnosis then it is a cheap and easy repair. The switch is near the right side strut tower inside the engine compartment near the battery jumper points. But remember that there are other possible causes of your complaint. The tilt sensor or even the ultrasonic alarm module are some of the possibilities. But to find out you have to pay for diagnosis with either a dealer or an independent BMW shop.

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