I live in a condo, and ive notived theres some kind of pvc piping slightly protruding from above the ceiling in the shower. this pipe occasionaly drips water. not alot, but definitly enough for me to see it and hear it, and take notice. Is this a problem with the above neighbors living above me? what exactly is the purpose of that piping? sorry for the vague description, but i dont know how else to describe it. help is appreciated.
1. you should not see exposed pvc pipe in your condo. If you own the condo, I would report this to the association. 2. The leak could be sweat from the pipe, not likely though. 3. It would hard to fix because right now you haven't a clue who the pipe belongs to.
Is the indoor fan unit for your air conditioner in the ceiling? I would guess that it's the drain line for the secondary drain pan. You might want to look in your attic and make sure that your main condensate line isn't plugged up. That pan under the unit should be dry. If not, then that primary drain line will need to be cleared. It probably drains to the p-trap under the bathroom sink.