I don't understand what's wrong, the paper like to move into one area while trying to print. I know it must be the feed roller, but I checked and nothing wrong. Any suggestions? I would appreciate the help in advance?~NovaIce~
I got clinically diagnosed with herpes (type 2) about six years back, while I was still in college and had a foolish one-night stand. I understand lots of girls will say this, but I swear I had certainly not done that sort of thing before. I just made a huge mistake that one time and suddenly I felt like I was going to have to live with the implications for the rest of my life. The worst part was feeling I could never date guys again. In the end, who wants to go out with a girl who has sores round her you-know-what? But since a friend shared this video
If you will want step-by-step approach to approach, entice, seduce, and get women back home with you you then need that information,
I don't think u have itis more probably that u didn't cacth it. Only when it's onthats is the biggest probability.
Most adults (50% to 80%) have oral hepres. It is often caught in childhood from kissing relatives. You can have it and never have symptoms - but still spread it. So many people have HSV1 that it really isn't considered a big deal. So it is very very possible that you have it - and that you didn't catch it from him.Hepres is NOT spread through salivia. It is spread through skin-to-skin contact. And you can indeed catch oral herpes from recieving oral sex. Herpes is most contagious when there is a sore present, but it can also be spread sometimes when no symptoms are present. How to avoid getting oral herpes genitally is a tricky question. If you wanted to be 100% safe, you could make sure that you used a barrier (a condom for a man and a dental dam - basically a rubber sheet - for women). But it is quite uncommon for people to actually use these methods to avoid oral-to-genital herpes transmission. You could also abstain from recieving oral sex - but again that is not somethng that most people do. Most people (I believe) just avoid oral sex with anyone who currently has an open sore and just accept the risk that they might catch oral herpes genitally. The good news is that if you already have HSV1 orally, you are very very unlikely to catch it genitally. Your body will have already built up antibodies that will protect you. The results of the blood exam, if positive, may be a bit confusing. That's the problem with blood tests. If it comes back positive for HSV1, then you still won't know whether you have it orally (and perhaps even caught it in childhood) or if you have it genitally. Without symptoms, you just don't know. For more info on herpes, and how it is spread, I highly recommend the website below. There is a LOT of misinformation about herpes floating around - even from doctors - so its important to get RELIABLE information about this disease. I've put a link below. Good question.