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Looking for a good breat pump?

My baby is due in August, and I plan on breast feeding exclusivelyI am wondering what breast pump would be best for a mother working full timeI would also like to know what kind of storage works best for you and why? I've seen hard plastic containers, storage bags, and a way to store it in the drop-in containers for bottles.


I've put clay in the oven before and it was fine it doesn't leave off any sorta material, do not put aluminium foil over it though because it wont bake properly and usually it says what temperature on the package in which you got the clay mine said 416degrees.
Medela is the best breast pump in the market, it's very easy to use great for on the go and moms that are returning to work, most stores have a larger selection of Medela breast pump accessoriesThe difference between Medela and the other brands (Avent, DrBrown, Gerber and The First Years) is that Medela has a natural cycle (suctioning) and it resembles/mimics the same movements that a baby will do when he/she latches on Here's a few hints on how to store your milk: If you pump and place milk in plastic bottles using the ring and disks system your milk is only good for 18 hours and if you wrap those bottles with aluminum foil you will extend its life for a total of 36 to 40 hours Medela has special bags called CF freezer storage bags and those are the only bags in the market that serves that purpose (but I warn you this bags are very hard to find.) On another note: Please buy your own breast pump don't rent it because you or your baby can contract the Hepatitis virusbe safe, be wise.

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