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Lurking truck drivers?

here's the situationyou're driving on a 2-lane highway and in front of you there are two eighteen wheelers in a rowoften times one of the eighteen wheelers will get in the fast lane to pass the otherbut besides actually passing the other big rig they both just kind of drive slow next to each other, making it impossible for other cars to passWHY IS THIS!?well my theory (which is only supported by rumors and speculation) is that the passing big rig is only 'passing' so that the other big rig can get a good long look at whichever car is trying to get past the trucksI noticed that this situation happens a lot more often when I have my girlfriend in the passenger seatand my girlfriend (who is a pretty blonde who drives a very effeminate VW Beetle) told me that it happens to her almost EVERY TIME


NahAbout 80% of the trucks on the highway have speed governorsMeaning their maximum speed is typically anywhere from 60-65 MPHCargo weight and engine type can also determine whether one truck can go slightly faster than another up inclines, etc So a lot of times, you end up with one truck who can go 65 MPH running behind a truck that can go 63 MPHThe faster truck wants to pass, instead of setting his cruise control to match the other guy's speedAnd of course when the faster guy passes, the slower guy refuses to let off the pedal for a few seconds to let the faster guy get the hll out of the left lane It happens all the time.NOT just to women in cars, but to men women in other trucks who happen to NOT be governed.and it's annoying as all hllCalled a rolling roadblock or occasionally a Swift/Schneider/Werner/JB Hunt roadblock, or whatever slow company trucks that are causing the annoyanceUsually caused by drivers without enough experience courtesy to know how to handle the situation When drivers want to ogle women in cars, they typically run behind each other the guy in back gets on the CB radio and lets the guys in the front know whenever an attractive woman in a car is passing in the left lane, so they can all crane their necksKinda stupid, as all you can see from that height is the driver's legs, anyhow If you think about it, in your scenario, the guy in the passing truck would have no way of knowing whether or not your girlfriend is worth looking at, because he got out in front of her before he had a look at her If you want to know for sure what's going on, get a cheap CB radio magnet mount antenna and put it in your car.if they're looking, they'll be talking amongst themselves, for sure.
NahAbout 80% of the trucks on the highway have speed governorsMeaning their maximum speed is typically anywhere from 60-65 MPHCargo weight and engine type can also determine whether one truck can go slightly faster than another up inclines, etc So a lot of times, you end up with one truck who can go 65 MPH running behind a truck that can go 63 MPHThe faster truck wants to pass, instead of setting his cruise control to match the other guy's speedAnd of course when the faster guy passes, the slower guy refuses to let off the pedal for a few seconds to let the faster guy get the hll out of the left lane It happens all the time.NOT just to women in cars, but to men women in other trucks who happen to NOT be governed.and it's annoying as all hllCalled a rolling roadblock or occasionally a Swift/Schneider/Werner/JB Hunt roadblock, or whatever slow company trucks that are causing the annoyanceUsually caused by drivers without enough experience courtesy to know how to handle the situation When drivers want to ogle women in cars, they typically run behind each other the guy in back gets on the CB radio and lets the guys in the front know whenever an attractive woman in a car is passing in the left lane, so they can all crane their necksKinda stupid, as all you can see from that height is the driver's legs, anyhow If you think about it, in your scenario, the guy in the passing truck would have no way of knowing whether or not your girlfriend is worth looking at, because he got out in front of her before he had a look at her If you want to know for sure what's going on, get a cheap CB radio magnet mount antenna and put it in your car.if they're looking, they'll be talking amongst themselves, for sure.

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