I have a steel grade of material thickness 0.62 mmI want to know how to calculate equivalent thickness of Aluminium which will have the same strength as that of the steelCan I do that by using Ultimate Tensile Strength of both the materialsPlease clarify.ThanksHarshad
Go with plumbingWhen the economy slows, carpentry slowsPeople have to fix plumbing problems in all economies.
You can do this for a construction with only tensile load(pulling or compressing)If the material is subjected to bending, you will can not so easily translate between materialsFor example, if the steel has double the tensile strength of the aluminumIn tensile load, you will have to use twice as much Al as steelIn bending you will have to use less then twice as muchHow much is depending on the shape.
People will put-off additions to their houses when times get tough (carpentry) Most people won't put off the smell of or a leaky pipe regardless of the economyIn the same manner, most people won't put up with unusable wiringPlumbing will be by far the dirtiest jobYou will literally be up to your elbows in other people's On the other hand, plumbing is probably the safest of the fourHowever, residentially, all four are relatively safe.