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motorcycle shifting technique?

lets say that you're coming off the highway riding your motorcycle at 70 mph and you need to stop. Can you come to a full stop just by holding the cluth all the way and brake without downshifting? If so, do you have to hit down the shift lever 5 times in order to get into first gear, after you have already come to a complete stop?


hold clutch.apply front + rear brake to come to a complete stop you do not have to downshift until your bike is stopped completely do not use engine stop if you don't know the answer of this question already.it may cause a highside during high speed braking and you don't know how to downshift correctly *speed matching* at 70mph you will NOT be in 6th gear.most likely 34th gear only if you're on a 600cc + sportsbike
Yes. You don't have to downshift to stop a bike. But only 4 times on the lever for a 5-speed bike. 5 for a 6-speed. Doesn't stop at neutral. But with lots of bikes, especially older bikes (I ride SOHC CB750's), it's easier to find gears while bike is still moving and downshifting just becomes part of normal riding.
You are correct. You can just coast with the clutch pulled in and brake to stop. Once stopped you'll need to tap the lever all the way to first before taking off. here is the downside to that. Suppose the light turns green before you stop. Now you're coasting at 35MPH in 6th gear. If traffic is rolling behind you and you can't find the appropriate gear, safety becomes an issue. Or suppose you just came to your complete stop and some idiot in a car can't stop and is heading right for you? When every split second counts, you can't be fumbling around trying to find the gear. I prefer to match my gear with speed. at 70MPH I'm in 5th, 60 - 4th, 50 - 3rd, 30 to 40 - 2nd, then when I'm stopped I hit the last gear to first. I leave enough space between myself and the car in front of me for a safe escape if needed. EDIT: technodog is right. If you don't really know how to use engine braking, just do it regularly by coasting and using the brakes.
I am looking for one aswell. so I dont know but when I find a good one I will tell you dont worry :)

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