I have a multi-stage Dillon Square Deal set up for 9 mm.I also have a Lee Single-stage set up with Lee 45 ACP dies.I'm planning to move to a Multi-stage press for the 45 ACP to save reloading time.__I would like to ask for suggestions for a multi-stage press, preferably one which will use the existing Lee 45 ACP standard size dies.Please provide me with approximate cost, warranties and helpful tips for your recommendation.Thanks very much.
Probably the most popular and useful manual progressive press on the market, today. More versatile than a fully automatic progressive press, like the XL650, and less vulnerable to operator error. I highly recommend the 550B for your use; and I'll bet that you keep it for a very long time!
I agree with Jeff. Move your Lee dies to the Dillon.
I have been in walking Gun hobbies where on the start of every stage I had one magazine in the gun and ten(10) mags on my belt, all with my own reloads. I'd go by way of 800-1000 rounds in a single occasion. Not ever once did i have a Lead Fouling trouble. I've used a number of extraordinary brands of cast , lead/tin alloy bullets between 185gr and 200gr. Any well stocked gun or wearing goods store should have a Bore Deleading software however i've located that after a fit, striking half of a dozen Full steel Jacket rounds via does a best job deleading the bore.
move your dies to the dillon press. All standard dies have threads that fit into the standard threads found in all reloading press frames. If you dont know what they are...one of those dies is a de-capper/case sizer... a bullet seater die and a 3rd die for setting the crimp. The basic adjustment for all dies in the frame is determined by turning the die body in it's treaded hole... testing for results and setting a lock ring when the height of the die in the frame is correct. Read the Dillon manual if you dont know how to set up a die set. All die sets have some information also. everything else you need to know is found in a reloaders data manual for the caliber your working with
I okorder has many presses in stock at good prices. You can compare there and look at manufacturers websites for warranty data.